Learn India Public School

Classes for Your Kids

Drawing Class

We emphasize on the all- round development of children through age appropriate learning activities. We believe that curriculum should contribute to new practices and innovation to help in each child's development. The academic year is divided into two terms. idea is to let students discover things for themselves rather than whole class memorizing the same thing and then reproduce the same later. This method of teaching sets the boundaries for a child's future.

Language Learning

Our goal is to offer the age appropriate learning; We put our best resources and efforts into creating an exceptional experience for your child every single day. Parents will discover a new world as soon as they step into school classrooms, Our curriculum combines the best of the pre-school methodologies to give scope to every child to create, enjoy the childhood experience and discover the whole world with own way.

Basic Science

We aim to empower, nurture and guide students to develop their own way of thinking, no forced learning, as we strongly believe that every child is equally gifted and capable. The idea is to let students discover things for themselves rather than whole class memorizing the same thing and then reproduce the same later. This method of teaching sets the boundaries for a child's future, we want to break those barriers and shape their careers.


Classes for Your Kids

We emphasize on the all- round development of children through age appropriate learning activities. We believe that curriculum should contribute to new practices and innovation to help in each child's development. The academic year is divided into two terms. Admissions are open throughout the year. Our goal is to offer the age appropriate learning; We put our best resources and efforts into creating an exceptional experience for your child every single day. Parents will discover a new world as soon as they step into school classrooms and see the faces of happy, involved and excited.Our curriculum combines the best of the pre-school methodologies to give scope to every child to create, enjoy the childhood experience and discover the whole world with own way.

  • Classes List

    1) Nursery
    2) Lower Kindergarten
    3) Upper Kindergarten
    4) Class 1
    5) Class 2
    6) Class 3
    7) Class 4
    8) Class 5
    9) Class 6


L i p s

Learn India School. provides affordable Pre-Primary Education to the rural children, our aim to empower, nurture and guide students to develop their own way of thinking, no forced learning, as we strongly believe that every child is equally gifted and capable. The idea is to let students discover things for themselves rather than whole class memorizing the same thing and then reproduce the same later. This method of teaching sets the boundaries for a child's future, we want to break those barriers and shape careers..

Get In Touch






+91 7003663576


Learn india public school Address : Vill-Fatepur,P.s-Uluberia,Dist-Howrah,Pin-711315 Phone_Number :: 7003663576